Cue the Theme Music...

Hello, I hope all is well.  I would like to welcome you to my blog, "10 Hit 16-Bit Combo," my home for all my geeky viewpoints and other random supernova of wordplay.  The title comes from my love of video games and the 16-Bit Era.  Even though I have a lot of love for the Atari 2600 (my first console) and the NES (what made me a fan), the 16-Bit Era with the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo was the Voltron lion that formed the head when it comes to my love of the hobby.  "10 Hit" is my nod to the Street Fighter Franchise.  I have spent many quarters on various Street Fighter games and various Capcom (and other) fighting games.  Other people have spent MUCH MORE attempting to beat "KJS."  I wasn't EVO level, but I was nice.  Back when I had no grey hairs...

At 10 Hit 16-Bit Combo or 10H16BC, I will be covering my views on superheroes, comic books, sci-fi/science fiction, video games, and much more.  The world can be a grim place, 2016 has been a tough time for many of us.  While I'm not some ostrich with his head in the sand, I would love to provide a space where a little light and warmth can shine.  But don't let all the warm and fuzzy talk fool you, I have no problem tackling any topic.  This includes any and all issues that are in the news and such.  Overall I want this to be a place where I can speak my voice and is also welcoming to EVERYONE.  Even if we disagree, we can talk and share.  This is still "my house," so don't think you will Rick James my couch...

I won't have long winded posts each time.  There will be scheduled posts, however when the mood hits I'll drop something.  Upcoming topics will include:

Comics & video games I'm enjoying
Star Wars: Rogue One
My year end review

Until next time, have a great day and stay radiant.


Thoughts on Star Wars: Rogue One (Part One)