Jedi's Hubris Part 2
“After Qui-Gon’s death, Obi-Wan Kenobi was tasked to train Anakin Skywalker in the ways of the Force and to be a Jedi. Anakin’s valiant actions in Naboo convinced the Jedi Council that he should be trained, despite him being older than his Padawan peers. The newly ranked Jedi Knight will be responsible for the training of a young person who has shown he still (rightfully so) attachment to his mother and would have pressure to live up to “The Chosen One” moniker.”
Jedi’s Hubris Part II: The Failure of the Chosen One
Before I begin, I’d like to give my praise to The Acolyte series. My goal was to discuss the Jedi in order of the films & shows. Then The Acolyte gave us a lot of Jedi foolishness. And I say this not as a complaint, but with respect to the storytelling and letting the characters be flawed beings being perfectly imperfect. The choices made set the stage for many things to come in the future. Like many organizations that see themselves in a certain light, what is said versus what is done isn’t always practiced by some in the Jedi Order. Now to our favorite Jedi Wunderkind….
After Qui-Gon’s death, Obi-Wan Kenobi was tasked to train Anakin Skywalker in the ways of the Force and to be a Jedi. Anakin’s valiant actions in Naboo convinced the Jedi Council that he should be trained, despite him being older than his Padawan peers. The newly ranked Jedi Knight will be responsible for the training of a young person who has shown he still (rightfully so) attachment to his mother and would have pressure to live up to “The Chosen One” moniker. And unknown to everyone, the Sith Lord Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, aka Darth Sidious, sees Anakin as a key piece for his plans to galactic domination.
That’s a lot on the plate of Obi-Wan and Anakin and unfair to both of them.
Because of how the Jedi are portrayed, everything I said sounds good on paper. The Jedi can do so much with their skill and powers. They are known for having foresight and wisdom beyond their years. It would be a great honor to train Anakin and Obi-Wan defeating Darth Maul shows he is up to the task of doing great things. Their relationship would be beneficial to the growth and development of Anakin as a Jedi and a man. Obi-Wan’s age and personality would give Anakin a relatable voice in his training.
“I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have hate. You have anger. But you don't use them.” Count Dooku
I argue this isn’t what Anakin needed and instead of building towards success, this led to Anakin’s downfall. Instead, Anakin should have been trained by a seasoned member of the Jedi Council who is skilled in the development of Jedi, wise, and powerful in the Force. If this child is to be the prophesied “one who will bring balance to the Force,” if I was on the Jedi Council I’d recommend one of us take the lead. Something of this magnitude shouldn't be left to one who JUST became a Jedi Knight.
In the nine or so years of Anakin’s training, he had no contact with his mother, Shmi Skywalker. In the interview he had with the Jedi Council Anakin showed Shmi was heavy on his mind. Even if Qui-Gon could have freed her, she wouldn’t have been able to keep in touch with her son. I wonder if Anakin was given any additional counseling because of his separation from his mother. When he finds his mother captured by a group of Tusken Raiders (we don’t use “sand people” over here), his fears of loss and her death causes him to snap. Anakin kills the group of them, only Padme knows of his act.
It could have been circumstance or Darth Sidious (because he plots a lot) that led to what happened to Shmi’s kidnapping and death. Had Qui-Gon never separated the two, we have no idea what kind of life Anakin & Shmi would have had. Given everything that we know, the Jedi failed the Skywalker family.
Besides emotionally stunting Anakin with the Jedi rigid training, Anakin was used as a pawn by the Jedi Council. Yes, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine sweet honeyed words in Anakin’s ear, constantly praising him, sowing doubt about the Jedi, and promising to save Padme from death. That is to be expected from someone who is evil. The Jedi Council on the other hand placed weight on Anakin’s shoulders that he wasn’t prepared for.
“This is where the fun begins.” Anakin Skywalker
While a Jedi Knight, decorated war hero & leader, and trained Ahsoka, Anakin still had moments of doubt and overconfidence. Anakin’s desire for “power” and to show that he was “The Chosen One” put him at odds with the Jedi Council at times. The same Jedi Council that enabled everything to happen so far. Padme, his source of happiness, being pregnant (suppose the Jedi & Naboo don’t believe in birth control) only adds more pressure to a slowly simmering pot.
As the Separatist War nears its end, the Council tasks Anakin to spy on his friend Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Because the Jedi “should not act in shadows,” Anakin is not thrilled with this and doesn’t want to ruin his relationship with Palpatine. This comes as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine asks Anakin to keep an eye on the Jedi Council as he believes they will betray him, and moves to place him on the Jedi Council. Of course, they aren’t pleased Supreme Chancellor Palaptine would “put” Anakin on the Council, but allow it.
“You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master” - Mace Windu
Was this the right move? Yes. Anakin was not ready for the rank of Jedi Master. And I’m sure Supreme Chancellor Palpatine knew that this would provoke Anakin. Anakin’s outburst proved their point. What could and should have happened was Mace and Obi-Wan explaining their reason to ease Anakin’s thoughts. Instead, dismissing him and making the man feel small only hurts and doesn’t help.
All the stress on his shoulders, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine becomes someone Anakin can rely on. After hearing of the tale of Darth Plagueis, Anakin feels he has a way to save Padme and his unborn child. Again Anakin is being pulled in two directions. Duty and Love are put against each other. The inflexible Jedi Order doesn’t allow the level of attachment that Anakin feels he needs. The love affair with Padme is “wrong’ because it brings with it attachment. Ultimately, Anakin will choose Love and his duty to the Jedi will shift to obedience to Palpatine Darth Sedious.
“The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become! Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth... Vader.” Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
By the time Palpatine reveals himself to Anakin, it is too late for him to turn back. In Palpatine, Anakin sees the one person who can save Padme from the death he sees in his dreams. Unable to save his mother after dreaming of her death and Yoda telling him to “train up” and lose the feeling of attachment, Anakin is placed in a corner. With Mace Windu gone (Sam is always championing for a Mace Windu return) by his hands, he submits to Darth Sedious and becomes Darth Vader.
Because he was never able to fully develop his emotional range, Anakin Skywalker chooses to embrace the fullness of the Dark SIde of the Force and become Darth Vader. I don’t absolve Anakin of his choices, the Jedi Order should carry the majority of the weight for Anakin’s fall from grace.
Jedi's Hubris Part 1
“Qui-Gon runs into a young fella named Anakin Skywalker while on a remote sand pit of a planet called Tatooine. Instead his sole focus being the protection of Queen Padme Amidala,Qui-Gon gets sidetracked in not using the boy to get off the planet (in an EXTREMELY dangerous race that humans rarely survive), Qui-Gon is stuck on the idea that Anakin is the “Chosen One who will bring balance to the Force.” Even his Padawan Obi-Wan questions the wisdom of his actions and is brushed off.”
Watching the latest episode of Star Wars: The Acolyte and reading the various reactions to the storyline & Jedi has been interesting. One thing I love about The Acolyte is how they are dissecting the Jedi & their mythos. This isn’t a new thing, looking back Star Wars has made a point more than a few times that the Jedi are a force (pun intended) for good. They are morally upright people, warriors that put peace before everything. And it’s true they are as flawed as anyone else and those flaws can lead to issues. I’ll pick a few situations from the films as examples of when the Jedi steered off the path.
“Unlearn what you have learned…” Master Yoda, Empire Strikes Back.
To say that I am a Star Wars fan is an understatement. Since I could remember, I have quoted the films, read the books, listened to the scores, played the games, and enjoyed the various elements of the property. Like most people, the Jedi were a source of awe and wonder to me. My Uncle Gary used Yoda’s teachings as stepping stones when he talked to me about Karma and Universal Laws. The mix of monk and warrior appealed to me, they weren’t looking for conflict, but they were perfectly able and ready to defend themselves.
And they had LASER SWORDS!!!
For all things awesome the Jedi are, as I grew older I began to look at them in a different light. Starting when I played the West End Games Star Wars roleplaying game, I found their lifestyle was rigid and playing a Jedi or a Force Sensitive (a character that has a strong connection to the Force) difficult. There were rules on not just how to act, but going as far as what you thought. You could easily be swayed to the Dark Side with the right GM’s hand. It wasn’t unfair or unreasonable. You just had to be ready to end up with a couple of Dark Side points attached to your character’s.
“He’s the Chosen One. He will bring balance.” Qui-Gon Jinn, The Phantom Menace
With 1999’s Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, we are introduced to the Jedi as a group of individuals and not just a small handful as we saw in the first film. One of my favorite characters from that film was Qui-Gon Jinn. The Jedi Master of Obi-Wan Kenobi, he felt totally in control in every scene, had a wit that wasn’t overbearing, and would see the “bigger picture” in each scenario he found himself in. Qui-Gon did not want his Padawan to simply go with what is the Dogma of the Jedi, each moment was a teachable moment with one of the biggest lessons being “What Would a Jedi Do” may not always be the best thing.
And that is where we get into the biggest problem with the Jedi.
Qui-Gon runs into a young fella named Anakin Skywalker while on a remote sand pit of a planet called Tatooine. Instead his sole focus being the protection of Queen Padme Amidala,Qui-Gon gets sidetracked in not using the boy to get off the planet (in an EXTREMELY dangerous race that humans rarely survive), Qui-Gon is stuck on the idea that Anakin is the “Chosen One who will bring balance to the Force.” Even his Padawan Obi-Wan questions the wisdom of his actions and is brushed off.
That’s a lot of pressure to put on a child as it is. Now let’s add that Qui-Gon’s master plan also involves separating Anakin from the only person he knows and loves, his Momma. His Momma. Let’s take Anakin away from his Mom, leave her in slavery, and start training him to be a Jedi (that will bring balance to the Force, don’t forget that) when other youth start their training earlier. And people wondered why Anakin was a ball of confusion and anger….
“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.” Yoda, Revenge of the Sith
“Hey Kofi, you know so much about the Jedi, when do the parents drop the kids off at the Jedi Kiddy College?”
Thanks for the question, check this out! The Jedi Order finds young people at a very early age to start their training. The path of a Jedi is very strict and using the Force takes discipline and time. Therefore when children are accepted into the Jedi order as Padawan Learners, they leave their family. Leave them for good. You see, attachment is a big no-no for the Jedi. That “leads” to the Darkside of the Force*. In order to be the best Jedi you can be, you have to totally delicate yourself to master yourself and the Force.
So let’s recap: Jedi Master Qui-Gon“finds” Anakin Skywalker and because he has a hunch & Anakin’s midichlorian levels are higher than anyone’s save Yoda, decides he will do whatever it takes to bring him to Coruscant to the Jedi Council, and demand that he (and he alone, as he apparently is the person who can train him) take Anakin has his Padawan. And his current Padawan Obi-Wan can go do the trials to be a Jedi Knight.
If this was Earth I’d say Qui-Gon is full of white privilege for his take on Anakin….
Sadly, Qui-Gon would not live long enough to train Anakin. After his death by the hands of Darth Maul, Qui-Gon tells his Padawan Obi-Wan to train the boy. Before Obi-Wan can be properly tested to be a Jedi Knight, much less Master, Qui-Gon in his infinite wisdom puts the pressure of training the “Chosen One” on Kenobi’s shoulders. Wow.
And this will not be the first time that the Jedi fail themselves and the galaxy.
We are (Work) Family...
“Friends. How many of us have them?” Whodini
When I heard the classic song from Whodini back in 1984, it was the jam to breakdance to and sometimes background music to when I played with my GI Joes and Star Wars figures. Having people we can call a friend is important to all of us. Proper interactions and connections with others are key to maintaining a healthy life. In my life I’ve gained, and “lost” people I call friends.
Most came from school and people who lived near me. Mutual interests brought me close to people and those connections lead to friendships. Some lasted for moments in time, others lasted for years into decades. Time and distance will pass, the majority of the time the bonds will remain. It may not be “best friends” level or the like, but we keep those bonds in person or via social media & the like.
While I have connected with people at work, I never was concerned about “making friends” at work. Since my first job at 13 or so, work was a place for employment and to get paid. I learned early that doing my job, being on time and committed to the tasks given, and being pleasant (being a good person, not kissing ass) would lead to me connecting and building bonds with others. It doesn’t mean that I was indifferent or did not build bridges with people, “friendships” wasn’t a factor in getting my employment and paychecks.
“I see us as family.” Management everywhere
Five words I hate to hear at any job. Usually after that sentence comes talk of doing “more with less,” “keeping focus on the big picture,” and various other buzzwords and phrases that mean how we are cogs in the machine.But don’t fret, the machine “loves us.” Having worked at places that had great comradery, my connection to my coworkers came from us building a rapport with each other. That rapport was built on working together, getting to know each other, and it all building organically. Not because someone in an office that never worked on the ground level/frontlines says so or in an attempt to pacify the staff and ease legitimate concerns that they don’t want to deal with. That person does not get to dictate how a group of people see each other. I’ve dealt with this scenario way too many times.
The problem with the “work is family scenario” is that the same people who speak about employees as family at times will also not hold certain people accountable. In many ways, it’s a lot like real families and how the “favorites” get special treatment. Work should not be like that, you come to work to do a job for compensation. When leaders want to bond with their employees, the worst thing that can happen is giving special privilege and leadway to certain people because of any bias they have for them. I have witnessed and been a part of situations where people were more family than employee and accountability was thrown out of the window.
“Like me or not, I didn’t come here to be liked. I came here to get paid…” New Jack
That is a big reason why I do not go to work with the mindset of “making friends.” Recently I told someone at my job this and it felt like they were puzzled. It wasn’t to be standoffish or to be rude. My intent was to let him know that at the end of the day, I am here to work and get my coin every two weeks. My bills have never been paid based on how good of a friend someone was with me. The grocery store does not provide additional produce for the amount of “people you are cool with” at any given time during your employment. I know I’ll naturally gravitate towards those who are like-minded. And it’s ok if it doesn’t happen.
Instead of worrying if people “like me,” I make it my goal to do what is asked of me the best way I can, learn as I go, hold myself accountable and to a standard that is reasonable and attainable. Being a good coworker/employee makes that happen. “Friends,” not being a friend has nothing to do with my work ethic. This has worked out for me since I was 13, I see no reason to stop now.
“I call my Brother ‘Sun’ because he shines like one…” Method Man
Having said all of this, that doesn’t mean you can’t have people you call friends (or Fam/family) at work. Over the years I’ve built great friendships with people, many of them I am still in touch with today. Some people are “reasons or seasons” as many wise people have said to me. We connected for a certain time and it was genuine & meaningful. Of course as you move you, you also may lose contact or not talk as often. That’s where social media comes into play.
Ultimately how & who you connect with people at your job depends on your comfort level and where you are in life. I have no problem having “levels” of how I socialize with folks. And I am ok with not being invited for drinks after work, I rarely drink and it’s not my vibe. One thing I do make sure is that the respect I give is equal to the respect given to me & my time/energy. Just know I am not here to be a “buddy.” I can possibly (and it’s NOT a goal) work towards that, I am however totally dedicated to being a great employee.
2020 was a Whole... I'm done talking about that mess.
So it’s been awhile since I was last on here. I haven’t stopped writing, more on that later. I just got tired of thinking about 2020. It started as a fun and therapeutic exercise. I don’t regret what I’ve done so far, however as much as I felt it was needed, I won’t be doing it again. 2020 ended on a great note: new job, feeling 100 percent better mentally, emotionally, and physically, my family is doing great, and I was entering into what I feel is a new creative moment in my life. Everything that happened up to that, I rather not dwell on it. It’s heavy and takes away from the joy that is the now.
So’s that’s that.
So what HAVE I been doing? Besides work, doing the best for my family, reading a ton of great comics, and busting folk’s backsides in Call of Duty, I’ve been writing. “Why hasn’t it been on the site?” Well, ummmm…. That’s a great question. There isn’t any reason for it to not have been here. Last week I thought about this and decided to make a change.
I’ll be adding all the content, “Today in Black History Month in Comics..”, I’ve written on Facebook and bring them over to throughout the next few days. Originally I planned on doing a couple for fun. People enjoyed them and it’s fun to work on, I decided to keep going Monday through Friday and it’s been a blast to do. I love that people have gravitated towards them, plus it gives me a chance to talk about what I love; superheroes and comic books.
Thanks for stopping by, have a great day and an amazing week. I plan on doing the same.
2020 Was a Whole... Part 2: Covid-19 and His Raggedy Ass.
“While I focused on my family, I (wrongly, and frankly I gave them too much credit) assumed the Government would be paying this much more attention and prepping for it. WRONG. I would watch the news and see our (the US, I don’t mean to insult any International readers) Government act like bad guys in a bad 80’s horror film. At best the Mayor from Jaws (and Jaws 2, how he stayed the Mayor after the first film… Yikes.) I felt it was important to keep us informed, but not in panic. Listening to friends who are in the medical field, know what they are talking about, and understanding how viruses work, I braced for the inevitable.”
This is the second in my series of posting on the year that was. While my year did start off with issues, I want to assure everything that 2020 was not as a whole a bust or terrible. However the facts are that we it was a most unusual and challenging year. And to not address it, and how we found victories in it, would be a disservice to us.
The Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter of Covid….
As I begin this entry, there have been 92,879,513 confirmed cases of the coronavirus COVID-19 in the world. And 1,989,118 deaths in that time. In the United States of America, 23.1M cases and 385K deaths have been reported. In the state I live in Maryland, 315K cases and 6,404 deaths. Looking at Baltimore City, 34,699 cases and 752 deaths. As of January 14th, 2021.
I gave these numbers to hammer home how serious Covid has been in 2020. This one thing impacted and changed everything in 2020, EVERY SINGLE THING. Doesn't matter who you are, your social status, occupation, name the demographic, we all have felt the impact of this. Lives were changed, uprooted, and altered forever. Even if you hadn’t caught the virus, everyone was touched. I was no different than anyone else.
My earliest memories of Covid was reading about what was happening in China. And like many Americans, my first thought was this is another situation that will come and go. I wish them the best, Positive Energies, and all that good stuff. However more disturbing news came out. I gave it more attention, but at the time my son was my only real focus. Soon we heard of it spreading and when the numbers of deaths started to come out, I felt this was going to be much bigger than what I had thought.
While I focused on my family, I (wrongly, and frankly I gave them too much credit) assumed the Government would be paying this much more attention and prepping for it. WRONG. I would watch the news and see our (the US, I don’t mean to insult any International readers) Government act like bad guys in a bad 80’s horror film. At best the Mayor from Jaws (and Jaws 2, how he stayed the Mayor after the first film… Yikes.) I felt it was important to keep us informed, but not in panic. Listening to friends who are in the medical field, know what they are talking about, and understanding how viruses work, I braced for the inevitable.
We had just picked Noah up from the hospital. Our Lyft driver was a very nice woman and I was struck with how powerful the smell of Lysol was. She apologized for the smell and me, my wife, and son all thanked her for caring about us enough to spray. We laughed and joked the whole time back, talking about Covid in a way to not alarm Noah, but it didn’t matter because he understood everything we said and had some smart insight himself. As we were being dropped off, she apologized again. This time for spraying as soon as we got out, which we laughed at and said, “No please do!” After that moment, Covid because as much a part of our household as the TV, Xbox, and uneven creaky floors.
Like the rest of the US, my job was slow on the uptake in dealing with and handling Covid. I can’t get into specifics or great detail because of HIPAA Laws (and out of respect for people I’ve worked with & for), but I will say that at times it felt like those who were “Essential Employees” were given the shortest in of the stick. A nurse left Sheppard Pratt and shamed them on Facebook before we were allowed to wear masks. The school I worked at shut down, now all the students were on the units 24/7. That posed several sets of problems as far as teaching and general order of things. Staff found themselves at odds with leadership and at times each other. AND Covid flexed in our program.
It’s a simple science: The youth are in a locked door facility. The only access to “outside” is either if they have sign outs back home, when the program goes on outings, and when they come in contact with us. This isn’t to place blame on the staff, many people did their absolute best to be safe and careful at a time many of us had little real information about Covid. However when a unit had cases, I felt that the people in charge would form a plan of action that would be swift and secure. Not the case.
I would go into work and deal with youth who wouldn't conform to the rules of safety, even though it was to protect them. Masks would not be worn, youth would still spit on us, at a time we didn’t have enough PPE to go around. I recall before it came to the unit I worked on, there was a staff call for a physical altercation. We came down to the unit, however we didn’t have any PPE to wear. Because of that, more than a few times we wouldn’t be able to assist our coworkers.
Then with the rise of Covid in the program, there were staff who either refused to follow the CDC guidelines on being safe (social distancing, wearing a mask when in public, etc.) or, when they found they were working on a unit that had Covid cases, would walk out or refuse to work. On one hand I understood the frustrations of my coworkers and friends. We were learning more about Covid daily and there were so many unanswered questions. On the other hand, I felt that being a “team player” only went so far. There were times I was left to deal with situations that needed more than just me. I felt horrible for my coworkers who would get sick and everyone knew it was because of this job. Rarely did I feel that it was a clear cut answer on if someone's actions were good or bad. It was a spectrum of issues, reasons, and causes. I just figured I’d do the best I can before I could do no more.
Outside of work, everything stopped for me. There was no hanging out with friends. I had planned on having one of my best friends come over for every AEW Wrestling PPV. That stopped after one PPV (the invite is still open once everything chills out). I would tell people that they should “forget the summer, forget the fall,” just forget whatever holiday they were looking forward to. Everything would be closed. I was right. One of my FAVORITE things are the Comic Cons I and the crew at Art Way Alliance would attend. It was a way to see friends who lived far away, and also I was able to teach, and make money from my art. With Covid, that was gone. There was no sadness at first. By no means my happiness is more important than anyone’s health. However, at times I’d wish I could look up and see a friend making a sale, or find us laughing at some random bit of pop culture.
At home we developed a tight ship. Shoes were left outside of the apartment. Whenever I came home from work, I would strip off everything to my boxers and shirt, (yes some folks got a show), and place my clothes in a plastic bag. Then when full it would be washed separately. When we bought anything into the house from the outside, it had to be wiped down. EVERYTHING. And soon we’d just empty boxes of things we didn’t need to save time and valuable cleaning supplies. Home was literally the one place I felt “safe.” Given what we all were dealing with, that was the major house rule we had. Home would not be a place of stress. I like to think we succeeded.
When friends and coworkers would talk about doing things in the future, I’d often reply, “You can cancel that.” People expected things to “slow down” or stop by a certain date or time. Summer vacations, the start of school for children and college, Halloween, Thanksgiving… “Cancel it, nothing is happening.” I wasn’t being a pessimist, I was being a realist. When you have a Government totally half-assing this situation, people ignoring the CDC's advice on how to stay safe, many more believing what they see on YouTube, and the lack of items and PPE for companies and citizens to be safe, there was no way this would be over in time for your favorite event. And when you are doing the right things, I found it hella hilarious when you can’t get to do what you want.
But people be people, and they stay peopling.
Fast forward to 2021: Eventually the stress of Covid at work led to me leaving my position at my job. In a few ways, Covid actually helped me in it’s sick way. It’s far to say that without it, I might still be at my old job and have not moved on to where I am now. We are still treating Covid seriously, when work has a potential outbreak, the clothes will still be removed. Things are wiped down when they are brought home. And I have made a point to not be around anyone unless I have to. This is the hardest thing for me. I’d often get invited to go to concerts or parties, get togethers, and the like. I’d much rather be at home. “I’ll go to the next one. Tonight I’m tired, but later on I will…” Now I can’t, and I miss my friends and Fam.
We are still dealing with Covid and the numbers have risen since I started this. Late December I received my first Covid vaccine shot. Unlike what some may have been told on YouTube, I have not gained any superpowers, I did not grow wings, and I haven’t gotten sick beside my arm being sore like with the flu shot. I am hopeful that 2021 will be a huge pivot with this pandemic. I do not want “normal” back, as “normal” did not prepare us properly for our current state. I do want for us to be live our lives and be with our loved ones without fear.
Be safe everyone.
Next: I love my job, but it doesn’t love me...
2020 was a whole.... Part One.
I sit here in the break room of my job, my 9 to 5 (today 3 to 11:30) that pays my bills, and instead of enjoying this Subway sub and getting reading for the evening, my mind is on 2020. 2020 AD was to have been the year a lot of things I’ve been working on sprung to life and I’d have the success I’d dreamed of. When people would know me for the talents and skills I have versus “the guy that draws really good that should have a comic book out.” The year I let go of old fears and embraced new change.
Supposed to have been…
Truthfully, I was still stinging from the passing of my Uncle Gary. I swore I was doing a good job in processing and understanding his death, I wasn’t. Secretly, I was scared of this future without him. Granted we didn’t talk on the phone often (a family thing as we all are great at keeping inside our turtle shells) and the majority of our communication was done via Facebook, I always felt good knowing my Uncle could be found and at any moment I could reach out to him. And that was now gone. With came the very stark reality that I’m looking at less time on this planet than more time.
It hurt, I still hurt, saying goodbye. Saying “until next time.” I always said proudly that since my Grandparent’s passing I am mentally ready for all my loved ones to leave. And that, Maury told me, was a big ass lie. I couldn’t finish my statement at my Uncle’s memorial without breaking down. I left Washington feeling baptized, renewed and refreshed, yet there was that part of me that missed that “goodbye.” And no videos, audio, or pictures of his last weeks could replace me sitting there with him.
So I entered 2020 with this bravado that only action heroes could muster up. I had stories written and in the process of being finished. I felt like this would be a great year. And for a short time it was. I believe it was. I honestly can’t remember anything about the start of the year save when my son had his first anxiety attack. I haven’t gone into details about it because I’m a private person and should someone crack slick about it, I may get extremely violent. However, what I say next, I hope that it may help another parent or guardian. As I never thought in a million years it could happen to us, yet it did, and I don’t want it happening to anyone else.
Noah was struggling in school. He often has highs and lows, his testing scores are always through the roof. Yet school was always a challenge at the time. His teachers said unlike last year, he really became isolated and withdrawn. Even from his closest friends, the very few he’d associate with. With his grades plummeting, we had a parent-teacher meeting. Not to punish, but to see how we could help him. I know my 8th grade was rocky, that time was rocky in general, so I felt I had an understanding of what I might be able to do to help my son.
The meeting started and ended extremely rocky, with Noah becoming more and more defensive and angry. After the meeting we all agreed to meet Noah downstairs while we talked to his teachers. When we went to meet him, my son was gone. I became frantic and worried for him. On a hunch I went home and found him trying to open the front door, which is a door we normally don’t use. We talked for a second and I noticed his eyes. Noah’s eyes were dark, completely dark. I didn’t recognize him at all. His body language was different and when I came close to hug him, he smelled different. Not in a stink or funk, he was another child and not the one I know and love.
My wife came in after and attempted to talk to Noah. He wasn’t listening and then told me, “You are always in my way.” I asked what he meant and he repeated it and explained, “You are in my way, I want to get a knife and kill myself.” I told him I wouldn’t let him and I loved him. Suddenly, Noah ran towards the cabinet I was standing in front of. In hindsight, I didn’t realize I was standing in front of what he wanted. And had he thought about it, he could have darted to above the refrigerator and get a knife much quicker and sadly might have gotten his wish.
I grabbed Noah and quickly understood this wasn’t my son and I need to go into “work mode.” At the time I was a Residential Resource Specialist at Sheppard Pratt Mental Health Hospital (or whatever they are calling themselves). At the Mann RTC School (or whatever they are calling themselves), my job was about deesculation and at times restraints. Right now, I attempted to calm the situation down, now it’s about stopping the situation from getting worse. I placed him in a hold, where I had one arm across his body and gripping him with both my arms, a Mandt Restraint. While she called the police, I held him. For 15 or so minutes. It felt like a whole day.
Soon we were in an ambulance and off to John Hopkins Hospital. By the time we got to the Children’s Psychiatric Room, Noah had calmed down and started to sound and look like himself. We sat and answered a variety of questions and I repeatedly thanked The Creator that I had “good insurance” from my job. Late in the night, Noah was admitted, a huge weight was lifted off my chest. I hated leaving my son there, however I knew it was the right thing. As we started our way out of the hospital, I drifted off to thoughts of my Mom. When she made the difficult choice to have me admitted to John Hopkins when I was 14 (or 15). What a Father I was, passing down my depression, anxiety, and anger. And this was only January.
The next few weeks were tough on us all. Noah was away from us and at times he liked the structure of the program, however he didn’t like talking about his feelings and missed being home with us. At work, I would bounce between my thoughts of him and doing my job. Feeling terrible when I didn’t want to visit him because I was tired from work. Days when I’d literally be physically worn down, I had to make a choice of going home and resting or seeing Noah and being exhausting the next day. After getting the help he needed, we decided it was a good time to come home. We rejoiced and were happy in the moment. Noah wanted to go to school, yet had hesitation over it. We assured him things would be fine.
I was at work and had just made a joke with one of my favorite residents (we aren’t supposed to have “favorites,” but yeah I had favorites) when I received a phone call from Catherine. She was frantic, telling me the school called the police on Noah and if we didn’t come down, he would be taken away. My supervisor drove me (I think, my mind was a blur) to his school and I went in expecting the worst. I went to one of his classrooms and it looked like an atomic bomb hit. As I stepped into the door I caught one of the teacher assistants, one who assured me that they would look out for Noah and had experience with youth with high anxiety, talk about Noah as if he was some monster. I would have addressed it properly, but I wouldn’t be able to address it in a manner that would benefit Noah or myself at the time.
I told me the short version, some child messed with Noah and he blew up. When I finally found Noah, he was talking to two police officers. I was then told that the child was messing with Noah all day, finally telling him to “kill himself.” Noah then decided to do that and destroy the room. Again we went to JHU, this time he wasn’t Noah but someone else. Constantly attempting to provoke me, the police officers, other drivers… Again we signed the paperwork and again I thanked The Creator for my insurance. This time I was worn down, I felt defeated in a way I never knew in my life. Again he started the process of inpatient treatment, followed up with outpatient services. I could care less about school, opinions of people who don’t matter, or the world; I just wanted my son back.
Fast forward to 2021: Noah is doing much better. He left the hospital just before Covid swept through the country. Noah has an AMAZING therapist, Mr. Adrian is a Black man he sees he’d like to be like in tone and temperament. He responds well to his sessions; he's growing more confident in himself as the days and months go on. Now in the 9th grade, he’s able to express himself in a way that doesn’t cause conflicts at home or in school. The “Year of Covid” has taken away his freshmen year, however I am glad the events of 2020 didn’t take away my son. Yes he has “teenage moments” and at times the fear of failure gets the better of him, however I wouldn’t trade him for anything. I see the growth within Noah and believe his bump in the road will lead to smooth driving for years to come.
Next: The Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter of Covid….
I begin this year exploring the year that was in 2020. Between the lows and highs, it was a year of growth. In between my blogging of things on my mind, I will examine this year and the ways in impacted me, the ones I care for, and us as a whole.
Hooray for Next Gen?
With each week it's getting harder for me to keep any excitement for either the #PS5 or #XboxSeriesX with no launch date or price. Especially when I have a Xbox One X & PS4 Pro that delivers amazing games, and will continue to do so into the Fall.
With each week it's getting harder for me to keep any excitement for either the #PS5 or #XboxSeriesX with no launch date or price. Especially when I have a Xbox One X & PS4 Pro that delivers amazing games, and will continue to do so into the Fall. Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, Cyberpunk 2077, Watch Dogs: Legion, NBA 2K21, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Marvel’s Avengers (jury is still out on that one, but more than not I’ll get it), and I’m sure I’m missing a few others. All games that are releasing this Fall and will entertain & amaze me without the need of a new console.
Much of the delay of news and information has been the COVID Pandemic we are in. These are extremely uncertain and troubling times. There is no way I can you can talk about this with mentioning that COVID-19 has impacted our lives in ways we never imagined. In my eyes, just being able to have this conversation is a testament to the ladies and gentlemen who are working hard to craft these games & behind the scenes of these systems. I want to salute them and say this is no means a criticism of them.
The positive for buying those titles is getting the current generation version will (for the majority of them) grant you the next generation version for free. On the current system you bought them for... That means you aren’t going to buy Cyberpunk 2077 on the Xbox One X and then have it (for free) on the Playstation 5. By now I would have had several games pre-ordered or at the least knowing what games I want to buy Day One. Right now I have nothing pre-ordered and I can't even do that at this time because it’s still up in the air what next generation system I’m getting. IF I’m getting one at all this year.
My default machine is the Xbox. I have long subscribed that “The Console Wars” ended with the Sega Genesis/Super Nintendo era. Now it’s just a matter of that company has what you are looking for, for me the games matter a lot more than the name of any company or any “cool factor.” The Xbox is my default when buying the majority of my games. NBA 2K is one of them. I've played 2K on the Xbox since the Sega Dreamcast ceased. There is no way I'm spending $60-$100 on a game, THEN doing it on another system. Nope.
I’m not sure if the current global climate is a reason why a launch date & pricing for either the Playstation 5 or Xbox Series X has been announced. At the 2013 E3 in June, both Microsoft and Sony announced the dates and prices for their systems. If memory serves me right, the next day my son and I went to Gamestop to reserve and pay for my Xbox One (a flip of a coin, I gambled my entertainment on a coin flip… The things fathers do to entertain…). Five months later, gamers had the systems in their living rooms. It’s August of 2020 and we are no closer to knowing when the systems will be on store shelves, when we can reserve one (I WILL NOT engage in the foolishness that buying consoles have become), and the price.
I have enough saved right now for one system. I believe. I guess... Because no one knows how much the systems are, one could say $400 MIGHT be enough. Or you may need $500. I read an article that stated $600 could be the price point for the Xbox Series X. And the Xbox Series S (not announced, but rumored to be a really real thing) COULD be $400. As far as the Playstation 5, who knows. This isn’t the way I as a consumer wants to go into a shopping experience. Again, there could be any number of reasons for this. I would rather know and be prepared versus waiting everyday or wondering when the next press release/video will drop.
I want ALL systems to do well. That means ALL gamers are doing well & having fun. It's minor gripe to have right now being honest. I'm good with what I have and the money saved isn't going anywhere. It’s looking like this might be the first year ever I’m not getting a system at launch. Given what is releasing in the Fall, I can definitely live with that.
It's August 22nd, 2020 and I still don't have my flying car or supersuit....
“2020 has been full of lows with few highs. I’m healthy, my family is healthy, and for that I’m happy. I do have it better than a lot of people and again I’m blessed and thankful.”
There is no need to say, “What a year,” or “In these uncertain times,” or whatever catchphrase we’ve all heard before. Repeatedly. Ad nauseum. We all know what it is and has been. Anyone with a lick of sense knows how messed up this year as been. And yet we continue to stand and keep moving. That’s the best advice I’ve been able to give to people. You keep pushing. Keep moving. Don’t stumble because of the actions of some morons and don’t let COVID stop your spirit from soaring.
As for me, it’s been a struggle and a half. On a personal and professional front, 2020 has been full of lows with few highs. I’m healthy, my family is healthy, and for that I’m happy. I do have it better than a lot of people and again I’m blessed and thankful. I suppose if this was a film, I’d be at the part of Empire Strikes Back where I just heard Darth Vader tell me I’m not a Jedi yet. Wishing and praying my hand doesn’t get cut off by October… Wait, I should be listening to my own advice from earlier! How silly am I!!
Enough of that talk. It’s the 22nd of August and I have breath in my lungs and I still have the tools and imagination The Creator blessed me with. It’s time to stop sitting around and get moving. I have some drawings to share, some stories, and talk my junk. Instead of giving everything to other sites and such, I need to put all my energy into mine.
It’s August 22nd, 2020. It’s kick some ass.
See, what had happen was.....
I could give you a ton of reasons and excuses on why I haven’t given the website, blog, art, and myself the time and attention it truly desires. And I can use a lot of fancy language or poetic double talk that I’m sure we have all heard before and used to describe the lack of content. However nothing can replace the simple truth of the matter, I have failed myself and those who believed in me.
So now it’s a new day. There are no more, “but wait” or “went the time is right.” The time is now and now I need to move & get rocking. Over the next several days I will be transferring my work I’ve posted elsewhere to here. While I have missed many events worth talking about, I plan on going back and revisiting them and also make 10 Hit 16-Bit Combo a regularly updated blog wrote your time.
So yeah, new content on the way, updated design, and a commitment to bring the absolute best I can. Peace and stay radiant.
I Gotta Story to Tell... (Biggie Smalls)
Biggie barely moved, he stood in one spot (he may have moved once or twice), he stood there and ripped the mic. Every line was crisp and clear, there was none of the “stage voice” you get from some performers. The crowd responded by chanting every line and chorus. The crowd moved like the ocean. The high tempo songs the crowd was more amp, “Big Poppa” had the crowd moving a slow rhythm. The dope boys bobbed their heads, the weed heads vibed off the jams, every woman moved and gyrated the pace to whatever song Biggie was on.
Hey everyone, Happy New Year and I hope all is well with you and yours!!! I apologize for the lack of content. My PC went south over the Holiday Break and it through a loop. While I'm working on some new work, I want to share something I wrote some time ago. There will be more stories and such VERY SOON. Until then Peace.
Today marks nineteen years since Christopher Wallace aka Notorious B.I.G. aka Biggie Smalls was shot and killed in Los Angeles, California. In a short time Notorious B.I.G. made an Extinction Level Event impact on Hip Hop and Pop Culture. I have to admit that at first glance I dug the Brooklyn emcee, however I wasn’t a huge fan. “Party and Bullshit” was the jam and got regular rotation in my friend’s ride and 88.9 WEAA “Strictly Hip Hop.” I thought it was dope, however I was in an era where every week it seemed like a dope cut came out. Not bragging or anything, one of the benefits of being my age is that I have heard a lot, A LOT of dope music. So this Biggie Smalls cat was cool, but what was next? The jam with Super Cat was hot and I didn’t think he’d be “one hit wonder” or anything. As a spoiled Hip Hop Head, I wanted to see what old boy was going to do.
Then he dropped “Juicy.”
“It’s alright.” That was my only comment I’d give on the song. A classic cut, a song that defined a time and moment, a nearly perfect introduction to a emcee who ability to flip & bounce words so effortlessly… “It’s alright.” It wasn’t that I didn’t like the song. I thought it was pretty damn clever and anyone who drops videogame references was cool with me (I’d fight a panda back then to have both consoles..), my “issue” was that I heard it EVERY FIVE MINUTES. It became a song I would run from because it was all over the place. Rightfully so it got a ton of airplay, it was a dope jam. For me, it was an overplayed jam and I was tired of it. Perhaps it was the name, in my juvenile mind I couldn’t get over “Juicy.” A big dude rhyming on a song name “Juicy…” Yeah I was that juvenile…
Fast forward to the album release. I heard cats rant and rave over “Ready to Die.” I’d see the album cover and wondered what was the deal with the kid. Was it him? Was the child ready to die? Like any good music buyer I copped the tape and popped it in the Walkman. First song in I was rewinding back to hear it again. This album had one banger after another. This cat B.I.G. was telling stories. I wasn’t hearing a song, I’m being put into a middle of a story and the narrator was perfectly putting me through one scene to another. “Warning” became the song that I storyboard in my head a hundred ways and joined the list of my “get hype” jams. “The What” paired Biggie with one of my favorite emcees Method Man. The blend was peanut butter and chocolate, it was perfect. I always wanted an album with those two much like what Method Man and Redman have done. I returned to “Juicy” and it became a favorite. Yes I still was tired of the song, but I found a new appreciation for the song when listening to the whole album. “Suicidal Thoughts” was a song that was a somber reminder of how final suicide is. Listening to this, I would be able to transfer any negative feelings and urges on the tape and cd and move on. This track, like Ice Cube’s “Us” and “Bird in a Hand” and “Self Destruction” by the Stop the Violence Movement saved my life.
“Ready to Die” was in constant rotation with my discman when my best friend told me of the upcoming Biggie Smalls/Method Man concert coming to town. I was never a concert goer, however I had disposable income and this was a change I wasn’t going to pass up. We go down the Baltimore Civic Center (now known as the Royal Farms Arena) and get ready for a dope show. I didn’t realize I would be incredibly close to being Mufasa in “Lion King” and see one of the greatest shows ever.
Keith Murray’s hype men came out and kept requesting the audience to chant “Keith Murray.” After several prompts and no Murray, we got tired and gave his people the business. Maybe they thought we were some fanboys or fangirls, but this is Baltimore. Do what we paid for champ. After the hypemen left the stage and we booed, I suppose the promoter came out and asked us to chill and give it up for Murray. Keith came out and did his thing, cool. Next Redman came out and was Redman. Had he’d been the headliner I’d been happy with that. The intermission was extremely long and the crowd was getting restless. Along with the many variety of weed smoke going around (I honestly didn’t know how many smells one plant could have), there was murmurs of a group of “New York dudes” acting out of pocket. From where we were, we had nothing but peace and chill. Someone step on your shoes, you got an “excuse me,” everyone was offering a hit of their joint or blunt and no one was mad when you passed.
Then it happened.
Up front a fight broke out. It wasn’t much of a fight, more like a explosion. There was a wave, a tsunami of people coming at us from the front of audience. My friend and I started making our way back and navigating through all the people also moving. Kofi being Kofi, I stumbled trying to avoid a young lady also running back. I landed on my side and I could only think that my mother was going to get a phone call telling her I got stomped out like that damn lion. I was going out before my life really got rolling. I’d never meet Janet Jackson and sing “Funny How Time Flies” to her as I leave her after our whirlwind trip around the world…. Thankfully a good brother extended me a hand and helped me up. As soon as the scuffle started, the scuffle was over with. It seemed like “two white kids in white button ups” got into with the “New York dudes.” Whatever it was, the event gave us better seats. We were able to move up a dozen plus rows up to the stage. I suppose it was a win, in a weird way….
Method Man came out and ripped it. Scratch that, the Wu-Tang Clan came out and ripped it. There was no sign of any trouble, everyone was jamming and it was like the fight never happened. The Brothers from Shaolin did a medley of jams and Method Man was more energetic than that bunny advertising batteries. Then Biggie came on stage. White suit, looking sharper than a katana with +10 sharpness. I still wasn’t the “biggest” Biggie fan, but I was looking forward to his performance. After Redman and Method Man, I am thinking how is he going to top these two? Then he started to rhyme.
Biggie barely moved, he stood in one spot (he may have moved once or twice), he stood there and ripped the mic. Every line was crisp and clear, there was none of the “stage voice” you get from some performers. The crowd responded by chanting every line and chorus. The crowd moved like the ocean. The high tempo songs the crowd was more amp, “Big Poppa” had the crowd moving a slow rhythm. The dope boys bobbed their heads, the weed heads vibed off the jams, every woman moved and gyrated the pace to whatever song Biggie was on. Puffy was the perfect counterpiece to Biggie. As Biggie was a colossus of emceeing, Puffy was a kinetic ball bounce off the crowd and Biggie. This is when I saw what everyone talked about. Biggie Smalls is the illest.
Fast forward to March 9th 1997. A Sunday. I’m sitting in my apartment in Pittsburgh, Saturday Night Live just went off. Maybe I had finished playing a game or drawing, I wasn’t sure. I know I looked up when the local news broke the word, “Rapper Notorious B.I.G was shot and killed in Los Angeles.” Six months ago I had the same dry throat and knot in my stomach when news came that Tupac Shakur was shot. It was too late for me to go over one of my friend’s apartments. Maybe I didn’t move because I didn’t want to have an outburst of emotion. After a few minutes, I cried and popped in “Ready to Die.” I didn’t have the “Hypnotize” single yet, but I made a joke that I was “tired of hearing it already” after a couple of days. The one thing I noticed in the “video movie” was Biggie looked hella happy. Biggie smiled more in that video than I can remember in any other video.
Later that day I went to friend’s place, living in the school’s apartment meant I had near instant access to my “fam.” We talked about Biggie and discussed our favorite songs and such. People who weren’t into his music were respectful of “our moment.” Then a friend of a friend came out with “Well that’s what he get. He was a gangster and was shot.” The air left the apartment like a explosive decompression on the ISS or Starship Enterprise. I am not much for “stargazing” and being a stan. While Biggie was my dude, it wasn’t like I caped up for him like a Stevie Wonder, Prince, or the like. I am “big” (all pun intended) on being respectful. Wishing death or cheering the death of a cat who just made music, because your right-wing sensibilities gives you the “right” to look down on others, that doesn’t fly. Then I remember this was the same cat who had the big ass Confederate flag in his room and I left his party because I’m not the man who parties under the flag of hate.
I don’t know what I said to him. Not sure if it was a long statement or just a word. I do know I said something and it clearly got his attention. Perhaps it was my balled up fist that also alerted him that THIS was not the day for it. He left shortly afterwards and I went on with my day. I didn’t get “Life After Death” until much later. Part of it was Biggie’s death left me a little “meh” on the idea of getting the album. Part of was the whole “shiny suit era.” Biggie videos with Ma$e and Puffy prancing around in shiny suits… Naw. I dug the songs, but I didn’t get the album until later. In the time of double albums (who started that mess?!), I thought “Life After Death” would have been much stronger with just being one album. But it was dope and it was also very somber. Even today it’s a mixed bag of emotions listening to the album.
I’d like to think that had Tupac and Notorious B.I.G. had lived, they would have hashed out their issues and moved on. We could have had an album with them both rhyming at the height of their skill. I don’t go into the whole “the game would be different” talk, the game will be the game. I don’t bang with a lot of “current/popular” stuff because it’s not for me. It’s not for my demographic and that’s cool. Again, a benefit of growing up with Hip Hop Culture. I have the memories and I’ll always have the jams to listen to. Nineteen years has been a long time, most people “know of” Biggie. Thankfully I was able to bare witness to the greatness of the Notorious B.I.G. Peace.
More Thoughts on Star Wars: Rogue One
"One thing I’ve heard more than a few times is how the film felt very dire and hopeless. This is something I thought the folks at Lucasfilm did very well. They treated the subject of war with some weight and also remembered this was a Space Opera."
Hey there, I hope all is well. Last time I talked about the parts of Star Wars: Rogue One that I enjoyed and thought highly of. Since the last post I’ve had time to really go over what I wanted to talk about and I thought of few more points to address. Again like my last entry, this is an asteroid field full of spoilers. You aren’t Han Solo, I’m telling you the odds and you will get hit with a spoiler….
One thing I’ve heard more than a few times is how the film felt very dire and hopeless. This is something I thought the folks at Lucasfilm did very well. They treated the subject of war with some weight and also remembered this was a Space Opera. The original trilogy and the prequels had it’s moments, mostly Empire Strikes Back and Revenge of the Sith, however they had a very lighthearted feel to them. The Phantom Menace, Anakin jumps around and is a Padawan Learner. In Attack of the Clones, Anakin and Padme gets married. After the Luke and the pilots destroy the Death Star in A New Hope, they get medals. At the end of Return of the Jedi, the Ewoks have a jam session and the Galaxy celebrates the fall of the Empire (given how the Empire controlled the HoloNet, I still give a side eye to the all the planets not only finding out about the death of the Emperor AND openly celebrating his death. Especially on Coruscant… but let me stop being an uber nerd…).
With Rogue One people die. The heroes die. The villains die. Civilians die. Planets die. Career ambissions die. Despite the heroic actions of the Rogue One team, much like in a real war, there was no happy ending for those fighting. It would have been easy for Disney to have Jyn and Cassin to find a U-Wing and fly off or K-2SO to have survived his gunfight to save one of the heroes. These events didn’t happen and it made Rogue One a more powerful experience.
The Thursday the movie released, many friends (shout out to them for not spoiling anything) and other people commented on how this was not a movie for young children. There were articles on this that made some great points. For having great behavior, being responsible, and doing well in school (He’s an A student, #humblebrag), I treat my son to “hooky days” when he and I can see movies on opening day. A ten year-old who plays Halo, watches all Star Trek shows, and such, I figured he would be able to handle whatever the film can throw at him. He stayed glued to the movie and even caught some Easter eggs in the movie. After we left the theater, I did the usual asking him about the movie. He loved the movie and was very sad when his favorite character died. K-2SO stole many scenes and pretty hilarious, his death did take a few breaths away from the viewers. It was dramatic and no one wants anyone to die.
However this was a war and with pretty impossible odds, the chances of survival was small. K-2SO knew it and still did his job. We had a great talk about guns, war, and death on the way home. Not that we haven’t had these conversations before, this movie helped nailed home that guns and war was not for fun and we don’t wish death on anyone. I wonder how many parents and adults had this kind of conversation with their children and the youth in their lives as they left the theaters? I would hope that this teachable moment wasn’t lost. We are so use to Call of Duty and videogames with its depictions of war and “respawning,” seeing people not getting up in this film might be a way to talk about a very serious subject.
Lastly I’m pretty excited about the continued diversity and what the future holds in the Star Wars films. The Force Awakens had it’s ups and downs for many people, however nearly everyone was able to recognize and enjoy the cast of the movie. Rogue One continues this forward movement in the right direction. Compared to other franchises, notably Star Trek, Star Wars doesn’t have the greatest record when it comes to it assortment in it’s cast. Granted Star Trek has five live action shows, countless movies, and an animated series, Star Trek has a MUCH greater variety when it comes to different cultures being seen (other than humanoid aliens). The Original Trilogy had a hand full of Black people, a small amount of Asian people in the films. The Prequels were better, however still people of color were secondary characters. Force Awakens and Rogue One has main characters that are people of color. I see this as a positive as EVERYONE loves the franchise and EVERYONE sees themselves as someone who can be a hero or villain (or in-between) in the Star Wars Universe.
Next up in the theaters we have Star Wars: Episode XIII, the continued saga of Rey, Finn, Poe, and Kylo Ren. I’m looking forward to seeing what will happen next. Then there is the “Young Han Solo” film (played by Alden Ehrenreich) that will have a “Young Lando” (played by Donald Glover), rumors of a Obi-Wan film, a Boba Fett film, and the amazing Star Wars Rebels show currently playing now on Disney XP. Add the comic books and the novels that ties everything together with the “new” continuity, this is a great time to be a fan of Star Wars. I am hoping we get a "X-Wing" or another space fighter centered movie, cross your fingers....
Keep rockin’ until next time.
Thoughts on Star Wars: Rogue One (Part One)
My son and I went into the theater expecting a good movie. A great movie would have been nice. What I got was a experience, a flashback to good times with old friends, something I wanted since 1983, and more fan service than you can fit in a tauntaun.
I will start this by saying I’m still on a bit of Star Wars high right now. Not a blind love or lust, but I’m on a nice cloud nine over what I saw over twenty-four hours ago. We live in a time when everything is supposed to over analyzed and flaws should be found (and rewarded), this is not that. If you are expecting a contrarian thought piece, I will disappoint. And yes, spoilers are abound, you are warned.
With that being said…. HOLY SMOKES THIS MOVIE IS DOPE!!!!
My son and I went into the theater expecting a good movie. A great movie would have been nice. What I got was a experience, a flashback to good times with old friends, something I wanted since 1983, and more fan service than you can fit in a tauntaun..
First, this is a great film. Is it “perfect?” No. Nothing is “perfect.” I can find “flaws” in the film easy. However the overall product is stellar and frankly should be the benchmark. Yes, it was that good. You have a single story that wraps up when it’s done and starts the saga we know and love. The opening sequence, you think it’s going to be the standard Star Wars opening (most media outlets spoiled there would be no scrolling banner) and we start with a very intense scene. The introduction sets the pace and tone of the film perfectly.
Not that it is a total dark film without any sort of light or humor. K-2SO (my son’s favorite character) steals EVERY SCENE he is in. It’s not that forced “droid humor” we sometimes get with C-3PO, R2-D2, or even BB-8. Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus (played by Donnie Yen and Wen Jiang) also add to the lightness to the film. Their banter and back & forth is natural and offsets the darkness set around the makeshift band of adventures. Chirrut is also the only Force Sensitive person in the film. Not a Jedi but a warrior-monk who a attuned to the Force, Chirrut spouts wisdom and also as a sneaky streak of humor. Baze, a very capable, heavily armed solider, plays off him very well, their chemistry is very easy to see & feel. Only if we could have had more time to get to know them and their past together.
These characters and their moments weave a bit of light in an overall dark movie. This is the era of Star Wars where the Empire has had twenty or so years of putting their boot on the Galaxy’s throat. At this point the Galactic Senate is nearly powerless, Emperor Palpatine rules with fear, and the Rebellion is at a point where have a power but no focus. There have been a quiet war brewing for years and now the Empire has had enough. Their ultimate weapon, the “Death Star” is near completion. It has the power to destroy planets and the Rebels have no idea what to do and how they should go about attacking it.
Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) and Captain Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) are among my favorite Star Wars duos. Jyn is MORE than capable of handling herself and does not need a scoundrel or Jedi to save her. Not to dismiss past heroines in the Star Wars Universe, Jyn is for play. It was refreshing to have a heroine not tied to some guy for emotional or sexual support. Along with Rey, the gatekeepers at Disney/Lucasarts are making a great effort to have strong women that don’t go into the normal tropes. Cassian, yet another character that I REALLY would know more of, is a straight cut military intelligence officer. Fighting the Empire since he was a young lad, he has seen his fair share of combat and conflict. Early in the film we see how far Cassian will go for the mission. Again we have a character that doesn’t fall into the stereotype. This time it’s the “I’m the hero guy who is going for the girl.” These two play off each other well because they are two strong willed individuals and yet see there is something bigger than the worlds they know at stake.
Rogue One, in the greatest compliment I can give it, feels like a tabletop role playing game. I’m a veteran of the West End Games Star Wars set. For my money, it’s one the best games to play. The system (only using six sided dice, D6) was easy to pick up, very hard to “power god” through (make overpowered characters/weapons/equipment), and was balanced. I’ve witnessed high level characters get dropped with a bad role and a would-be Jedi reflect back an AT-AT’s blast back it and destroying it. A group of friend ran a near three year long campaign going from Return of the Jedi thru the Thrawn Trilogy, Dark Empire, and beyond. This movie felt like an amazingly ran campaign. From how the characters united, the interactions, the combat, and even the end. What made the West End line so amazing was the WEALTH of books and backstory the writers put into the lore of Star Wars. Some of which I can see, if not directly, in Rogue One. You could buy a sourcebook and read it like a storybook or to learn more about Star Wars. If I can wish for anything in the world, it would be either a return of the West End Games or at least a release of the old books for us who loved them (I sold the majority of my books in college, one of the saddest days ever…).
The final thing I want to touch on is Director Orson Krennic (played by Ben Mendelsohn). He is perhaps the most polarizing part of the film for many people. Many see him as a weak villain and is a poor-man’s Vader or Tarkin. I believe people are missing one of the biggest points behind Krennic’s character in this film. I see him as a person who is a cog in the great machine that is the Empire. However Krennic would have you believe he is irreplaceable and his sense of worth is higher than what Grand Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader feel it is. In fact, both me let him know in their own ways exactly what they think of him, his worth, and his behavior. By the time the third act of the film starts, I feel a bit sorry for him. He’s still an Imperial scumbag, however here is a guy who put a lot of trust and work in a power that does not share the same love for him. By the time he lands Scarif, Krennic looks worn down and tired. This is a far cry from the slick dressed, always in command, would-be galaxy badass every trailer and promo photo shows. This made him a better villain since he wasn’t the classic world/galaxy destroyer of the weak. All the man wanted was his props….
I’ll come back to talk about a few more things I got from this film. Perhaps I will have seen the film again. May the Force be with You. I am One with the Force, and the Force is with Me.
Cue the Theme Music...
Hello, I hope all is well. I would like to welcome you to my blog, "10 Hit 16-Bit Combo," my home for all my geeky viewpoints and other random supernova of wordplay. The title comes from my love of video games and the 16-Bit Era. Even though I have a lot of love for the Atari 2600 (my first console) and the NES (what made me a fan), the 16-Bit Era with the Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo was the Voltron lion that formed the head when it comes to my love of the hobby. "10 Hit" is my nod to the Street Fighter Franchise. I have spent many quarters on various Street Fighter games and various Capcom (and other) fighting games. Other people have spent MUCH MORE attempting to beat "KJS." I wasn't EVO level, but I was nice. Back when I had no grey hairs...
At 10 Hit 16-Bit Combo or 10H16BC, I will be covering my views on superheroes, comic books, sci-fi/science fiction, video games, and much more. The world can be a grim place, 2016 has been a tough time for many of us. While I'm not some ostrich with his head in the sand, I would love to provide a space where a little light and warmth can shine. But don't let all the warm and fuzzy talk fool you, I have no problem tackling any topic. This includes any and all issues that are in the news and such. Overall I want this to be a place where I can speak my voice and is also welcoming to EVERYONE. Even if we disagree, we can talk and share. This is still "my house," so don't think you will Rick James my couch...
I won't have long winded posts each time. There will be scheduled posts, however when the mood hits I'll drop something. Upcoming topics will include:
Comics & video games I'm enjoying
Star Wars: Rogue One
My year end review
Until next time, have a great day and stay radiant.