See, what had happen was.....
I could give you a ton of reasons and excuses on why I haven’t given the website, blog, art, and myself the time and attention it truly desires. And I can use a lot of fancy language or poetic double talk that I’m sure we have all heard before and used to describe the lack of content. However nothing can replace the simple truth of the matter, I have failed myself and those who believed in me.
So now it’s a new day. There are no more, “but wait” or “went the time is right.” The time is now and now I need to move & get rocking. Over the next several days I will be transferring my work I’ve posted elsewhere to here. While I have missed many events worth talking about, I plan on going back and revisiting them and also make 10 Hit 16-Bit Combo a regularly updated blog wrote your time.
So yeah, new content on the way, updated design, and a commitment to bring the absolute best I can. Peace and stay radiant.