Jedi's Hubris Part 2

Jedi’s Hubris Part II: The Failure of the Chosen One 

Before I begin, I’d like to give my praise to The Acolyte series. My goal was to discuss the Jedi in order of the films & shows. Then The Acolyte gave us a lot of Jedi foolishness. And I say this not as a complaint, but with respect to the storytelling and letting the characters be flawed beings being perfectly imperfect. The choices made set the stage for many things to come in the future. Like many organizations that see themselves in a certain light, what is said versus what is done isn’t always practiced by some in the Jedi Order. Now to our favorite Jedi Wunderkind….

After Qui-Gon’s death, Obi-Wan Kenobi was tasked to train Anakin Skywalker in the ways of the Force and to be a Jedi. Anakin’s valiant actions in Naboo convinced the Jedi Council that he should be trained, despite him being older than his Padawan peers. The newly ranked Jedi Knight will be responsible for the training of a young person who has shown he still (rightfully so) attachment to his mother and would have pressure to live up to “The Chosen One” moniker. And unknown to everyone, the Sith Lord Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, aka Darth Sidious, sees Anakin as a key piece for his plans to galactic domination.

That’s a lot on the plate of Obi-Wan and Anakin and unfair to both of them.

Because of how the Jedi are portrayed, everything I said sounds good on paper. The Jedi can do so much with their skill and powers. They are known for having foresight and wisdom beyond their years. It would be a great honor to train Anakin and Obi-Wan defeating Darth Maul shows he is up to the task of doing great things. Their relationship would be beneficial to the growth and development of Anakin as a Jedi and a man. Obi-Wan’s age and personality would give Anakin a relatable voice in his training.

“I sense great fear in you, Skywalker. You have hate. You have anger. But you don't use them.” Count Dooku

I argue this isn’t what Anakin needed and instead of building towards success, this led to Anakin’s downfall. Instead, Anakin should have been trained by a seasoned member of the Jedi Council who is skilled in the development of Jedi, wise, and powerful in the Force. If this child is to be the prophesied “one who will bring balance to the Force,” if I was on the Jedi Council I’d recommend one of us take the lead. Something of this magnitude shouldn't be left to one who JUST became a Jedi Knight.

In the nine or so years of Anakin’s training, he had no contact with his mother, Shmi Skywalker. In the interview he had with the Jedi Council Anakin showed Shmi was heavy on his mind. Even if Qui-Gon could have freed her, she wouldn’t have been able to keep in touch with her son. I wonder if Anakin was given any additional counseling because of his separation from his mother. When he finds his mother captured by a group of Tusken Raiders (we don’t use “sand people” over here), his fears of loss and her death causes him to snap. Anakin kills the group of them, only Padme knows of his act.

It could have been circumstance or Darth Sidious (because he plots a lot) that led to what happened to Shmi’s kidnapping and death. Had Qui-Gon never separated the two, we have no idea what kind of life Anakin & Shmi would have had. Given everything that we know, the Jedi failed the Skywalker family. 

Besides emotionally stunting Anakin with the Jedi rigid training, Anakin was used as a pawn by the Jedi Council. Yes, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine sweet honeyed words in Anakin’s ear, constantly praising him, sowing doubt about the Jedi, and promising to save Padme from death. That is to be expected from someone who is evil. The Jedi Council on the other hand placed weight on Anakin’s shoulders that he wasn’t prepared for.

“This is where the fun begins.” Anakin Skywalker

While a Jedi Knight, decorated war hero & leader, and trained Ahsoka, Anakin still had moments of doubt and overconfidence. Anakin’s desire for “power” and to show that he was “The Chosen One” put him at odds with the Jedi Council at times. The same Jedi Council that enabled everything to happen so far. Padme, his source of happiness, being pregnant (suppose the Jedi & Naboo don’t believe in birth control) only adds more pressure to a slowly simmering pot. 

As the Separatist War nears its end, the Council tasks Anakin to spy on his friend Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. Because the Jedi “should not act in shadows,” Anakin is not thrilled with this and doesn’t want to ruin his relationship with Palpatine. This comes as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine asks Anakin to keep an eye on the Jedi Council as he believes they will betray him, and moves to place him on the Jedi Council. Of course, they aren’t pleased Supreme Chancellor Palaptine would “put” Anakin on the Council, but allow it.

“You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master” - Mace Windu

Was this the right move? Yes. Anakin was not ready for the rank of Jedi Master. And I’m sure Supreme Chancellor Palpatine knew that this would provoke Anakin. Anakin’s outburst proved their point. What could and should have happened was Mace and Obi-Wan explaining their reason to ease Anakin’s thoughts. Instead, dismissing him and making the man feel small only hurts and doesn’t help.

All the stress on his shoulders, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine becomes someone Anakin can rely on. After hearing of the tale of Darth Plagueis, Anakin feels he has a way to save Padme and his unborn child. Again Anakin is being pulled in two directions. Duty and Love are put against each other. The inflexible Jedi Order doesn’t allow the level of attachment that Anakin feels he needs. The love affair with Padme is “wrong’ because it brings with it attachment. Ultimately, Anakin will choose Love and his duty to the Jedi will shift to obedience to Palpatine Darth Sedious.

“The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become! Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth... Vader.” Supreme Chancellor Palpatine

By the time Palpatine reveals himself to Anakin, it is too late for him to turn back. In Palpatine, Anakin sees the one person who can save Padme from the death he sees in his dreams. Unable to save his mother after dreaming of her death and Yoda telling him to “train up” and lose the feeling of attachment, Anakin is placed in a corner. With Mace Windu gone (Sam is always championing for a Mace Windu return) by his hands, he submits to Darth Sedious and becomes Darth Vader.

Because he was never able to fully develop his emotional range, Anakin Skywalker chooses to embrace the fullness of the Dark SIde of the Force and become Darth Vader. I don’t absolve Anakin of his choices, the Jedi Order should carry the majority of the weight for Anakin’s fall from grace.


Jedi's Hubris Part 1