2020 was a Whole... I'm done talking about that mess.

So it’s been awhile since I was last on here. I haven’t stopped writing, more on that later. I just got tired of thinking about 2020. It started as a fun and therapeutic exercise. I don’t regret what I’ve done so far, however as much as I felt it was needed, I won’t be doing it again. 2020 ended on a great note: new job, feeling 100 percent better mentally, emotionally, and physically, my family is doing great, and I was entering into what I feel is a new creative moment in my life. Everything that happened up to that, I rather not dwell on it. It’s heavy and takes away from the joy that is the now.

So’s that’s that. 

So what HAVE I been doing? Besides work, doing the best for my family, reading a ton of great comics, and busting folk’s backsides in Call of Duty, I’ve been writing. “Why hasn’t it been on the site?” Well, ummmm…. That’s a great question. There isn’t any reason for it to not have been here. Last week I thought about this and decided to make a change.

I’ll be adding all the content, “Today in Black History Month in Comics..”, I’ve written on Facebook and bring them over to Kofijamal.com throughout the next few days. Originally I planned on doing a couple for fun. People enjoyed them and it’s fun to work on, I decided to keep going Monday through Friday and it’s been a blast to do. I love that people have gravitated towards them, plus it gives me a chance to talk about what I love; superheroes and comic books.

Thanks for stopping by, have a great day and an amazing week. I plan on doing the same.


We are (Work) Family...


2020 Was a Whole... Part 2: Covid-19 and His Raggedy Ass.