“Qui-Gon runs into a young fella named Anakin Skywalker while on a remote sand pit of a planet called Tatooine. Instead his sole focus being the protection of Queen Padme Amidala,Qui-Gon gets sidetracked in not using the boy to get off the planet (in an EXTREMELY dangerous race that humans rarely survive), Qui-Gon is stuck on the idea that Anakin is the “Chosen One who will bring balance to the Force.” Even his Padawan Obi-Wan questions the wisdom of his actions and is brushed off.”
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More Thoughts on Star Wars: Rogue One
"One thing I’ve heard more than a few times is how the film felt very dire and hopeless. This is something I thought the folks at Lucasfilm did very well. They treated the subject of war with some weight and also remembered this was a Space Opera."
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